Cycle Fill & Exchange Team

Streamline your medication ordering and passing process with Customized Cycle Fill.

We fill all maintenance prescriptions on a regular basis, ensuring that your residents always have the medication they need.

We will typically fill on a seven, fourteen, twenty-eight, or thirty day monthly schedule, depending on your facility’s unique needs.  Improve efficiency and accuracy by keeping all residents and medication fills on the same schedule.


Exchange Team

Our Exchange Team takes great care to specifically check and double check the accuracy of all cycle fill orders.  When possible, they will visit your facility to assist with the cycle exchange process, ensure accuracy and help train your staff, if needed.

This service not only provides your staff with extra help during the exchange, it ensures that we are connected with your team and that we stay informed about changes or challenges that you may be experiencing.  We believe that working closely with your staff as often as possible will allow us to provide the highest level of care.